Very Inspiring Blogger Award

By Bellezza @bellezzamjs
It is quite an honor to be mentioned twice for this award, first by Jacqui then yesterday by Victoria. At first, I thought I wouldn't play because I follow approximately 200 blogs on bloglovin',and how is it possible to mention a mere fifteen? Then I reconsidered when I realized that as a part of the book blogging world, I should not refuse the opportunity to highlight a few fellow bloggers.
Might I also point out, that since I 'met' Jacqui as a fellow IFFP Shadow Jury member we have shared many great books and a similar point of view? She is blessing from 2014! And, Victoria's posts are always witty and erudite. Thank you, you two, for thinking of me.
These are the rules for the award:
  • Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
  • List the rules and display the award.
  • Share seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  • Optional: display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.
And so fifteen blogs I would like to highlight as being very inspiring to me are:
1. The Task At Hand~
Linda writes of the essence of life; sharing wisdom through story. She is also the best commenter I know. Reading her comments are like reading a post itself because she puts so much thought into them.
2.  seraillon~
Scott writes of books I immediately want to read. He is enormously well read, and he will often leave a comment which is relevant and hilarious at the same time.
3.  Caravana de Recuerdos~
Richard has displayed no end of patience with me as I learn to appreciate Spanish literature. Although we sometimes differ on the books we like, I am always enriched by his reviews and opinions. Also, I am very inspired to read for Spanish Lit Month co-hosted with Stu. (Bet you didn't know I'm enjoying Three Trapped Tigers, eh?)
4.  Wuthering Expecations~
Tom and I have had two shared reads that I can think of: Little Women and Great Expectations. He points out the merest detail of a book and somehow connects it to the overall meaning. He is able to unwrap what an author says like no one I know.
5. Therapy Through Tolstoy~
The posts on this site connect emotional well-being with literature. I have never looked at our psychological make up, any possible anxiety or depression, as being addressed by books in such a tangible way. And yet, of course! Isn't part of why we read, to understand ourselves better?
6.  The Content Reader~
The content Reader is a relatively new friend who lives in Belgium. She brings a wealth of information to her blog posts. They are not simply reviews, but connections to art and food as well.
7.  A Bookish Way of Life~
Nadia is a faithful friend of many years. It is amazing to me how many books we simultaneously love, and abhor. If she recommends a book, I am sure to pick it up, confident that her point of view will mirror mine. It's nice to have someone who understands how you feel.
8.  Bibliophile by The Sea~
One of the many features of Diane's beautiful blog is Tuesday intros. I am constantly introduced to up and coming literature through her blog and enticed by what I read. 
9.  Winstonsdad's Blog~
I think Stu can be credited for my push toward reading translated literature. I always loved Japanese Literature, of course, but it was Stu who broadened that horizon into other countries. It was a special honor for me to be included in his IFFP Shadow Jury event, co-hosted with Tony, this year. I have never read such exciting literature in translation as that event provided.
10.  Reading on A Rainy Day~
Athira writes a magnificent blog, relating stories from her life as well as literature she is reading. She leaves personal comments which make me feel so connected to her. Maybe someday I will be as faithful a commenter as she!
11.  Snow Feathers~
Ally is a friend who not only reads Japanese literature with me, she has embellished my reading in Italian literature, too. It was her idea to host Venice in July, a lovely challenge which caused us (me) to discover so many books set in Venice. She also introduces me to film and music. Ally understands my working life as she is a teacher herself.
12.  Tony's Reading List~
Tony shares a love for translated literature as well, and is especially instrumental in spreading the love for Japanese literature. He hosts January in Japan which highlights fabulous Japanese books and detailed information about their authors. He also kindly welcomed me to the Shadow Jury for the IFFP this year.
13.  Book Dilettante~
Harvee has a special interest in mystery and thriller, always showcasing a new book in this genre which looks like something I want to read straight away.
14.  Prairie Horizons~
Dear Lesley is my oldest book blogging friend. We connected in 2006 and have shared countless titles not only through our blogs, but through the mail. She is a true friend with whom I share many personal and deep connections.
15.  Thyme For Tea~
Tamara has also been a long time blogging friend, but I want to highlight the fabulous job she is doing in hosting Paris in July with Karen, Adria, Nichole and I. Every day has a special treat in store, and it is all organized beautifully on her blog. Thanks for taking us to Paris every July, Tamara!
As for listing seven facts about me? It reminds me of a Brian Andreas Story People poster: "We don't have much time," he said. "Let me just tell you about me."  Probably you know everything that's important to know by now.
I hope you have a chance to visit the blogs above, and know that there are so many who continually inspire me.