Very Inspiring Blogger Award

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hi friends, Happy Hump Day!  This week has been a whirlwind, starting off with my computer crashing at work,  leaving my Monday basically a wash and I wasn’t back up and running with my new laptop until almost 11 a.m. yesterday, so I was am in a bit of a panic with all the work I still need to get done.  Then, I got into work super early this morning as usual to get in my workout, well no dice.  The tower that our gym is in was evacuated and there were 5 firetrucks outside.  I waited for a half hour hoping it was just a small incident and they would open the building back up for us, but no.  So now I am sitting in my office bummed that I didn’t get my workout in this morning and I have back to back meetings from 9-4, so getting there during lunch just isn’t happening.  Well, like they say…gotta roll with the punches.  Anyways, I am going to keep this as short as I can.  While reading some of my favorite blogs over the course of the past few day, I saw that I was nominated by four pretty awesome ladies, Helly, Olena, Jenna and Hailey for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I was really flattered and honored since all of these women are incredibly inspiring and I love following their incredible journey’s, so for them to think I am inspiring means a lot to me, so thank you all for thinking I am worthy of this award!

Like a lot of other blog awards, there are rules!  So here they are:

  • Thank and link to the person who nominated you
  • List the rules and display the award
  • Share seven facts about yourself
  • Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated
  • Optional: display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you

I feel like you guys know so much about me…but here we go, maybe you’ll learn something new

1. I haven’t eaten red meat or pork since 1999.  I eat a 95% vegetarian diet with a very occasional piece of chicken or turkey on Thanksgiving. I will eat seafood and love it, but it’s not Robyn’s favorite and since he cooks, we don’t eat it a ton.

2. I was in the Tri-Delta sorority in college. I NEVER thought I’d join a sorority, but I did and it was pretty awesome. Our house had most of the athletes in it, so it was a natural fit for me since almost all my soccer team was a part of it.

3. Similar to Helly’s not liking the distance stickers people put on their cars, I don’t like those family stickers, you know, the ones that show stick figures or whatever (sorry, I don’t mean to offend anyone out there reading this that has them.) I just personally don’t like them.   I would however laugh if I saw this on someone’s car.

4. I was a Political Science major with a focus on Latin America and minored in European History in college. I wrote my thesis on Drug Trafficking in Colombia and the political, social, and economical impact of Plan Colombia. I totally geek out on history and politics.

5.  Tying into my #4, I did a semester abroad my Junior year of college in Brazil.  It was heaven.

6. I used to chew my nails so badly that they would bleed and hurt to touch, then in my sophomore year of college, I bit them so badly that I got a terrible infection and had to be on IV antibiotics.  The Dr scared me so badly that I stopped chewing my nails and have had long nails ever since.

7. Robyn nicknamed me Sprinkles when we first started dating because of my freckles and it stuck, he still calls me Sprinkles 9 years later!

I read a ton of awesome blogs and I am sure a lot of these people have been nominated by others, but I want them to know I think they are pretty amazing and each one of them inspires me in one way or another.  Also, go check out Helly, Olena, Jenna and Hailey if you don’t already know them!!  My nominees in no particular order:

1. (My beautiful and bad ass IRL Friend) Kristin @ Sweat Courage

2. Courtney @ Tri Girl Chronicles

3. Michael @ Running Around the Bend

4. Susie @ SuzLyfe

5.  Julia @ Vegas Mother Runner

6. Kels @ The Blonder Side of Life

7. Kristy @ Runaway Bridal Planner

8.  Meranda @ Fairytales and Fitness

9. Cynthia @ You Signed Up for What

10. Rachel @ Undercover Diva

11. Lauren @Lauren’s Glass Slipper

12. Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes

13. Annie @ Strong Brees

14. Running Bear @ Spiritual Creaminess

15.  Miranda @ The Cupcake Triathete


Question of the day

What’s one random thing I don’t know about you?