
By Rodjonesartist

Size (h w d):36 x 48 x 1.5 in
Medium:Oil on Canvas

Description:In a dream-like convention most have found themselves on a precipice staring down into an abyss, most often we find ourselves standing on the edge or staring out the window from a building of great height. If you looked out the window from the top story of Burj Khalifa in Dubai you would be peering down 2,717 feet. Few people that I know would not experience vertigo. But when having a vertigo dream it can be greatly amplified and bring on a sleepless terror. This painting is an interpretation of a persistent dream that I have witnessed since my own childhood. By making this painting I had a therapeutic breakthrough. So now when I’m confronted by the possibility of a fall from a great height, the painting moves in my thoughts and I find comfort. Once departing from the jagged precipice I can feel a sensation of flying making loops and preparing for a spectacular soft landing on the white highway below. I personally find that looking down from a building brings on the vertigo sensation. My studio is in the mountains, about 6,000 feet up. My studio is perched above a forest, so I have a vista that has never created a problem. But vertigo can be more of a psychological burden than a physical one. The painting presents multiple layers in the background creating a confused but dream-like state. I would love to know what you see in this painting.