Venus Conjunct Mirach – Being Open to New Ideas

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

This aspect is active tomorrow 14th April and active until 16th April

Venus also makes a conjunction in the next day or two with the star Mirach, one of the two stars in the constellation of Andromeda, the Princess of the night skies. Andromeda is part of the royal family of constellations. In Greek mythology Andromeda was seen as the damsel in distress chained to the rocks waiting for her prince (Perseus) to come and save her from Cetus, the Sea Monster from the deep. Perseus did so and eventually became her husband.

Andromeda was a beautiful young virgin waiting for her suitor and this star Mirach takes on these attributes of fertility and being open to receiving new ideas and new people. If there is a downside to this star, then it can promote a rather obsessed attitude and can be rather vain and narcissistic.

In the world, suggestions which maybe were off the table may appear more attractive now and with North Korea a bone of contention, we may see some foreign ministers working together to try to solve this dangerous problem. Venus is the planet of design and beauty and this connection with Mirach is great for artists or creative people, so it should inspire them to come up with new ideas and be receptive to this positive energy.

In relationships, just as with the Al Rescha aspect I mentioned earlier today you may be more open to that Prince in shining armor or the beauty that takes your breath away, relationships can start up now out of nothing...