I lay a-weeping on the sofa and blowing my nose, coughing and generally feeling the urge to paint a huge cross on the door to warn people to stay away....Maggie was very adorable and lay on my arm - it made doing anything practically impossible but I think that was the idea...'rest human, who will feed me biscuits if you are too ill?'
So, anywho, Andrew took a few photos for me and here they are...
Good bright day and look daffs well through in the right hand bed :)
Not the best photo but look really hard and there are garlic shoots poking through. 2 rows left .side of the bed
Lovely manure mulch on one back bed and the other all tidied, bar the leeks :)
There aren't pictures any of 14b, that would tip my sickness over the edge! But I am so thankful that Andrew took these for me - I was really devastated not to be there yesterday. The plot isn't always a great place for me, it doesn't always make me feel better but if it hadn't been for the man flu, I feel my depressed state would have lessened in seeing new signs of life and I do so love constructive destruction - ie. ripping out veggies that are 'past it' and weeding etc.However, even though I wasn't able to go I do now feel that we have started on our long journey into happier times; a leave taking from the lows of winter, a moving on from the unhappy, unmotivated selves we have been... Come on spring!Hugs and love (but only virtually as I don't want to smite you lovely people!)