Venice/Mestre 4: The Soul Kitchen (no Kidding, No Pretentions)

By Johntalbott

Ah to be back to the high speed internet world of Paris after the week of suffering from Italian wifi.

That off my chest, today for a variety of geo-psycho-physical reasons I chose to spend some downtime in my hotel in Mestre, the Plaza, which other than its miserable wifi, lack of highspeed or good tele  connections, is a delightful place to stay (we've been staying in Mestre since 1961 for another variety of reasons, when visiting Venice).

My plane back home (Paris) was at 15h30 so since there's no food at Marco Polo - pity - I figured the next best was the Marriott - Da somebody or other - but it was closed exceptionally, so my charming desk clerk suggested the Soul Kitchen in their building.  "Are you kidding" thought to myself I?  But ever the good soldier (remember Bronze Star Viet Nam) I reserved (10% off for hotel guests - whoopee).

Entered, parked luggage, installed, seized on my choices.


I started with my surefire Venice special, a green salad, this time fixed by myself, corrected a bit with freshly ground pepper and moved on to spaghettini vongole - verdict the clams were terrific, the pasta not so much.

My bill with wine, no bottled water, a coffee and a grappa to send me off to Parigi, was 33.75 E.