
By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Visit LaToya-The Writer, The Clairvoyant/Medium by misslatoya

Omar said 20 hours ago

Hello Miss Latoya,

I’ve been told that I was born with a caul. My mom told me a story about an older black woman being in the room that she had never seen before and didn’t see again after that when I was born, she was the one that handed me to my mom. She told my mom that I had been born with a veil. My mom also said that she heard the other nurses in the room asking “what is that” when I was coming out. Well, I don’t have visions or communicate with the supernatural. I have had some extraordinary dreams though. I have tried my best to live a “regular” life, often times forgetting about being a caul bearer and just trying to blend in. But I have always looked at most people around me as being “kind of slow”. I know that it is not right to think that way, but most times I just don’t understand the motivations of people. I feel like they weren’t taught anything or haven’t been raised properly.

I would like to open a line of communication with you just to see if you can give me any insights about what I’m supposed to be doing out here.

You said 0 minutes ago

Hi Omar,

Some of our powers are different and/or are stronger than others yet circumstances of various distinction fits within all levels of range and you should never “estimate” your value or “validate” yourself in comparison to other individuals that are said to be born with the veil as you yourself are the true identification of who you are and the true definition of who you are suppose to be if you truly choose to accept yourself.

There is so much more to being born with a veil than just seeing visions and/or having “direct” communication with the supernatural (remember that there are plenty of people on the earth that were “not” born with veils but that have had paranormal experiences) although those elements are indeed a big part of the association of our genuine caul births.

However, there are other distinguishing factors, attributes and characteristics that are also defined within us as “special” individuals, your supernatural connections may have went unrecognized/unnoticed as they are inevitably able to materialize within all forms and fashions invisibly and oftentimes manifest within our mode of intellect and mode of comprehension and other natural skill and talent that you may not have identified in relation to mystical interaction (just as spirit is working through me right now as I write this post).

We are magical beings in all a numerous of aspects.

So you do not casually or constantly have to come upon visions of the past, present, or what is to come or see and/or talk to spirits as many of us do to qualify you as one being born more or less with preternatural abilities in regard to the caul.

Supernatural communication is not always exhibited without us but is also displayed within us and will come out through our expressions and that is of what is expressed around us that is not always obvious unto us and other people surely are able to see it and are impacted by it yet they cannot explain or describe it and it attracts to us a lot of attention, and attention around us that we do not necessarily want or deserve when it is especially of a negative kind.

I’d advise any good person of the veil to never try to blend in as we were meant to stand out. Why camouflage within the mixture of repetitiousness that is within our society when clearly we shine? How can you live a regular life when you are extraordinary? Why would you want to?

When you are open to who you are and to your own nature regardless of whatever conflict and/or misconception that may occur from others your nature will become more open to you and the negativity from others will serve as a tool into bringing you closer and into union with what is in relation to you within and through out the universe as it will fiercely unite, guide and protect you within your own personal and spiritual zone.

It takes courage to be your authentic self especially within the presence of the vileness and ignorance within the world but when we truly don’t care and are motivated by our own truths and determination we are innately free of that and are unaffected by any judgment or criticism and we are properly rewarded for our loyalty through maintenance and sustainment but you must have foundation.

If you perceive most people around you or that you come into contact with to be kind of slow it is because you are ahead of them in more ways than one and because some of them just aren’t on the level to begin with and it has absolutely nothing to do with academics.

A lot of people are accustomed to a limited mode and scope of life, and a limited view of thinking, and when certain others come along with a mystical spirit, higher insight or a unconventional/unorthodox way of living and manner of bearing that is completely honest and natural yet foreign to them it incites controversy.

Many individuals are only familiar with one method and approach and don’t know anything else but think that they know everything therefore they treat and conduct all and one in the same when there are plenty of us that differ greatly within mentality and emotion ( some of us have absolutely no emotion toward what they feel we should) and because we do not fit into the typical category within their limited “reasoning” of knowledge and understanding we are often attacked or underestimated.

People don’t know how to deal with what they do not know about and a lot of individuals weren’t taught correctly and they weren’t raised properly a lot of people don’t know what life is really about as they have been subconsciously and subliminally trained through this society and it’s falsities and bull-crap.  A lot of the “programming” starts in school and within the church.

As a spiritual person of the caul I naturally sensed things weren’t right early on and adapted to what I experienced as the truth as I learned and discovered through having a mind of my own, us that are born with second-sight inherently are set apart from the rest of the world and aren’t so easily misled as we are rooted and fixed within a reality that travels beyond what is the physical realm alone.
