Vegetable Crisps

By Becky Cotter

In keeping with the theme of bringing recipes back to basics and sharing with you some of the more simple snacks I like to make, today I am sharing a recipe for really easy home made vegetable crisps.

I love savoury food and although I try not to eat crisps too often they are still a snack I can't resist! The crisps you buy in the shops are salt and oil heavy and can be very calorific yet they are so easy to grab and go.

Making them is so simple and you can control the amount of seasoning and oil used however they do take a bit of preparation. It is SO worth the wait though! They taste so delicious, fresh and are completely moreish!

You can use plenty of different vegetables, my favourites are parsnip, carrot and beetroot but vegetables such as potato, sweet potato and butternut squash will also work well.

They are great for those sneaky afternoon snacks or to take along to picnics for guilt free snacking for the kids and the adults. I season mine simply with salt but you could add herbs, nutritional yeast and spices to jazz them up!

Each vegetable has a slightly different cooking time so I find it best to cook them in batches. Parsnips are really quick and cook in around 6 minutes, carrots in about 8 minutes and beetroot takes approx 10-12 minutes. This is probably also because I slice my beetroot and not peel thin slices of it (it's less messy).


1 Carrot
1 Parsnip
1 Beetroot
Olive Oil or Spray Oil

Top and tail your vegetables and peel the skins off. If using potato you may wish to just wash them and not peel them, it's totally up to you.

Preheat your oven to 200c (my go to oven temperature).

Using a vegetable peeler or mandoline thinly slice the vegetables then either spray with oil or lightly coat with olive oil, you don't need to be too heavy with this. Season them to taste and then in batches place them on a baking tray and bake in the oven.

Do small batches at a time to check your oven times as every oven differs. Parsnips take approx 6 minutes, carrots 8 minutes and beetroot 10 minutes. They won't be crisp at this point they will be cooked but soft.

Once cooked place on a board or paper towel to cool, this is the point where they will crisp up nicely.

If for some reason you don't eat them all then these will keep in an air tight container for 2 days or so. If they do go slightly soft again you can just cook them in the oven for 5-10 minutes to crisp up again.

I have shared this with the Tea Time Treats October challenge " Cooking and Baking with Vegetables" hosted by Lavender and Lovage and The Hedge Combers.