I already reviewed The Vegg Baking Mix last week and shared a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Since writing that post, I used The Vegg Baking Mix to make Challah and Challah Rolls for Rosh Hashanah. Well, the Challah is for Rosh Hashanah tonight but the rolls were for last night. They were the softest, most tender Challah rolls I have ever baked,
I’m sure that is due to using The Vegg Baking Mix since that’s the only difference from the original recipe.
I used 2 Tbs. of The Vegg Baking Mix with 3/4 cup water. That’s a lot less water than the instructions say; you have to use your judgment with the dough. To make Challah rolls, simply make the dough according to the original recipe. After the second rise, divide the dough in half. Cut each half into 4 equal sized pieces. Shape into long strands. Take each strand and wind it up into a coil. Proceed as usual but bake for a shorter time than the loaf, about 25 minutes. For gluten-free challah rolls, use the challah molds.
Be sure to try The Vegg and The Vegg Baking Mix for all your vegan “egg” needs. You can order The Vegg Egg Yolk Replacement, The Vegg Baking Mix and The Vegg Cookbook fromThe Vegg web site store or check out the store locator to find a retailer near you. Be sure to visitThe Vegg web site for more info, ordering, and recipes.