Vegan Mofo Day 22: in Which I’ve Fallen off the Wagon…

By Mollyalice @mollyalicehoy

… gone over an embankment, down a hill, into a volcano.

Okay, so for those of you wondering if I still have a pulse, the answer is a resounding YES. I don’t have much of an excuse for my recent lapse in posts other than the fact that I haven’t been feeling very well, and the antibiotics I’m on have quite effectively killed my appetite. I’m sure I gave you all quite a shock when I welched on my first ever Thursday Things — rest assured, I’m doing my best to get back on the blogging horse and make some delicious delectables for you despite my current lack of any desire whatsoever for food.

In the meantime, I give you this little gem to tide you over until I’m back on my feet. Andy took out a Fastec camera this weekend and got some high-speed footage of Mel doing her puppy thing.

Better than any recipe, right?