Vegan Chocolate Chip Almond Sourdough Buns!

By Sophies Foodie

Today, I invented & made these glorious delicious chocolate chip almond sourdough buns! yes, that sounds so delicious & yummy right?

Well, they are! Just look at them:

Just coming from the oven!

Recipe: For 11 buns


For the buns:

100 gr active oat sourdough (This is a more stiffer sourdough)

450 gr organic 5-grain & 3 flake flour (Mine had wholemeal flours & white flours in it.) My mix was Markal organic 5 grains + 3 flakes: White flour T 65, oat flour, rye flour, rice flour, wholemeal spelt flour, barley flakes, millet flakes, sesame & wheat gluten)

60 gr unsweetened soy milk

200 gr warm water

7 gr raw cane sugar

40 gr vegan milk chocolate chips

20 gr soft vegan butter

20 gr white almond flakes

6 gr salt

Just before baking, to brush tops of the buns with:

melted vegan butter

Just brushed with melted vegan butter & slashed!


Day 1:

  1. In the evening, make your bread mix. Take Kenwood machine & place dough hook in. In fitted bowl ad first 6 ingredients. This is the sourdough, 5-grain flour, soy milk, warm water, cane sugar, vegan milk chocolate chips & almond flakes. If you have a stronger aged oat sourdough, it is possible that you need to add more warm water, bit by bit,…otherwise you don’t end up with a nice sourdough, the inside will be too dry then! Start mixing on low-speed, aka number 2 for 2 minutes. Then leave the dough to rest for 20 minutes. The flour is allowed to absorb the moisture = autolyse. Now, ad last 2 ingredients. This is the margarine & the salt. Start mixing again on medium-speed, aka number 3 for 5 minutes. Then, turn up to 5 & mix for 5 minutes more.
  2. Take dough out of the bowl & place onto kitchen top. You don’t need no flour here! With your hands, knead for another 3 minutes, to stretchen the gluten inside! That is what we want. I do the stretch & fold principle. Then, turn the dough again! This during 15-20 minutes. Your dough has to be smooth! Shape a boule shape. Oil a big bowl & place dough in it. Place closed plastic bag over it. Leave on the kitchen counter, sitting on a big towel, to rest for 1 night.

Day 2:

  1. In the morning, after 8-12 hours of rising, remove plastic bag. Your dough has doubled or tripled in size! Place dough onto kitchen counter & weigh the dough. Mine was 850 gr. Divide with dough scraper into 11 equal sized & weighted portions. 850 gr divided by 11 = 77 gr each! It is easy this way. Roll each dough piece into a round ball, space them well apart onto a silicon baking sheet onto an oven rack. Take 2 oven racks to form 11 bread buns. Now, dust some 5 grain flour over the top surface of each bun to prevent sticking to the plastic bag that you are going to put over them to rise until doubled in size. This took my buns about 2-3 hours. Preheat your oven to 200 °C ( 392 F) for about 10 minutes. Melt some vegan butter. Just before placing the buns into the oven, make a slash with your dough scraper or a sharp knife in the middle of each bun & brush each bun , all over the top & sides with melted butter. Place into the hot oven & bake for about 25 minutes or until golden & baked through. Place each bun onto a wire rack to cool down completely! These buns are utterly delicious! MMM! Excellent with just some vegan butter or with vegan butter & apple/pear sirup!

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