Veg Plotting: Salad Days 2013: Propagated Peas

By Tuckshopgardener @tuckshopgardenr
Veg Plotting: Salad Days 2013: Propagated Peas
Check out how other people are doing with the 52 week salad challenge.

Saturday Update - 26th January

As I'm running out of space in the porch and sound of thawing, dripping snow surrounds me, thought I would take a punt on the greenhouse border being able to support a sowing of salad seeds.  Will find out if this is the case over the next few weeks.  Sowed short rows of 'Little Gem' lettuce, some seeds I collected from the garden last year - not sure if they came from komatsuna or a green mustard, lambs lettuce ' Elan' and some radishes which I got from the Heritage Seed Library. 
Am quite impressed that I'm managing to keep up the weekly sowing schedule so far.