While planning for the installation of a solar panel one must check the solar feasibility report for that place. That will give him a clear idea about the various factors like continuity of sunlight, daily usage etc.
Application of solar energy
The list will be endless for the application of solar energy in our daily life. Here I have given some common uses of solar energy.
Solar heating for pool:
In winter it’s hard to use your favorite pool. But with the help of solar energy one can heat up the water of the pool. This has become a very common practice in most of the countries. Various clubs and amusement parks use solar panel to generate heat for their pools.
Using for domestic water heating:
Needless to say that most of the homes around Australia use this technique to warm up the water for bathing, cooking and other purposes.
Generate direct current for home:
Some devices like laptops, MP3 players, and mobile phones can be charged from the electricity that has been generated from solar energy. Also PV cells are used for lighting up the in house lighting panels.
Generations of AC currents:
Solar heat can be concentrated and used for generating steams from water that can revolve a turbine. This turbine will generate AC electricity which can be used for supplying electricity for a large area. This kind of energy is used for housing complex, theaters, shopping malls, small manufacturing units, bakery etc.