Variegated Bananas Are on the Way to the Shop

By Canarius

Striped Bananas and Extra Dwarf Bananas ! They all produce edible fruits and make great eccentric ornamental plants.

On April 8th we will finally check in the stock of variegated bananas for Spring 2013. We will know the exact varieties of  banana trees that will be available for the shop. These plants will be offered for sale by the end of April, which is by far the best time of the year to start a banana tree in a non-tropical climate.

We are waiting for different types of Cavendish banana trees with variegated leaves and also extra dwarf types of banana trees.

These plants are raised in-vitro here in the Canary Islands. They correspond to the best commercial cultivars of edible bananas, such as Dwarf Cavendish, Cavendish Brier, Cavendish Grand Naine and others. At times we could get also Orinoco/Bluggoe/Topocho or Dwarf Red Banana Trees.

Variegated banana leaf in Tenerife

Visit THIS LINK and see pictures of our plants on the packing desk and learn more about what we ship, including fruit trees and bananas.

Visit our Fruit Tree Section in the Web Shop and see which plants are now available for sale. We have one of the best selections in Europe of tropical fruit trees, such as different varieties of mango, lychee, bananas, papaya, longan, star-fruit, sugarcane, coffee and much more.