Vancouver Video Production: Why Pre-Production Planning Is Important

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

There are a lot of things that go into creating a video, and the exact process depends on each project's unique requirements. Usually, the process of Vancouver video production includes research and development, pre-production, live-action production, and post-production.

Vancouver video production process

  • Research and Development - This is where the Vancouver video production team starts with thorough research and development. They dive into video concept creation , video campaigning, storyboarding , scriptwriting, and location scouting.
  • Pre-production - The team takes care of all project management, which includes scheduling, sourcing, licensing, as well as communication between the clients and actors. They also map out all of the necessary tools, shooting days, and editing days before the production starts.
  • Live-action Production - This process includes the use of state-of-the-art cameras, audio equipment, lights, drones, and more, to capture all the pieces the team needs in creating the perfect story, as mapped out during the creative brief. The team ensures that the day goes smoothly by having an agenda and communicating everything well in advance.
  • Post-production - This is where the magic starts. The team takes all the footage they captured, and crafts them into the story through video editing , color grading, compositing, rendering, exporting, sound FX voice-overs, musical score, sound recording, mixing, and mastering. This is the time where the team adds animation, motion design, and any visual effect as necessary.

The most critical bit of any video production in Vancouver is the nitty-gritties that are gathered before the camera starts to roll. Most magic happens during the research and development phase. Poor pre-production may not hurt your video, but the lack of diligence in proper planning can definitely break your budget.

This phase ensures that the whole Vancouver video production crew is in line with what is happening at the onset, and what to expect during the production phase. So how important is planning?

Why is pre-planning important during the Vancouver video production process?

Brief description

A lot of the time, clients focus too much on the output that they forget there's a planning phase. The most important step is defining what needs to be achieved. Who is the target audience? What is the key message? What is the video for? Is the video supposed to drive traffic to a landing page , or is it simply to bring awareness?

Is this to influence decision-makers in the industry, or is it only for setting the company apart from its competitors? If clients cannot articulate the objective clearly, then it will be challenging to produce a meaningful video.

There needs to be a call to action before completing any production. This determines the reaction that viewers give after they watch the video. Determining the objective will allow the producers to focus on the outcome. Lack of it is the principal reason why videos fail. It's also the time where you set timelines for the project.

However, you need to overestimate the time needed to complete the production, because as a rule of thumb, it's better to under-promise but over-deliver. To achieve this, avoid a small window of completion because there are usually many unforeseen post-production issues that delay the process.

Delivering the message

This is where professionalism meets great ideas. Although clients may have other great ideas of what they want for the video, they may not be able to figure out a way to say it. A good video means that the audience isn't turned off after every few seconds. So, after signing of the script, the ideas written should be brought out through visualization.

This is when you bring out the idea of how the final video should look. Here, you can already visualize the content from the first scene to the final scene. Ideas from the crew need to help give a complete visual idea of the content. The team can figure out a way to convey the ideas creatively.

Once this is determined, the talent can be put on the set. Rehearsals and line readings are important - you don't want your talent to be the cause of delays during the actual shoot. The talent should be at their best to reduce the number of takes.

Logistics and call sheet

If you fail to visualize main day logistics, it could be the start of a disaster, even with a great script. This phase includes the timing, locations, contact information, and every critical detail that is relevant for the main day. Getting the call sheets right is important since they go out to the entire crew.

These must outline what and where every member needs to do and when. And if possible, they need to visit the shoot location beforehand. This is a brilliant move if you want to picture power concerns, camera angles, lighting, and more.

The crew also needs to familiarize itself with the tools and equipment that will be used for every shot. Before the first camera starts to roll on the production day, there must be a pre-planned agreement.

And while understanding the production schedule and the location is important, it's also important to know why a certain camera is the best choice for a certain shot. Once the team has the right equipment, you need to double-check what is already available.

Pre-planning will allow you to identify your financial capacity before you produce a video. Without a guiding budget, the team might not be able to manage the expectations, and this is the cause of under-delivering.

If you know how much the budget is beforehand, it will be easy to eliminate the guessing game and narrow down on what the team can do for the project. Pre-planning allows you to set a clear budget, which makes it easy to manage expectations and eliminate any financial problems.

The pre-production planning phase, which includes research and development is a very important step that you shouldn't ignore. You may need the help of credible Vancouver video production companies if you haven't already.

If you haven't planned your production properly, then it is bound to fail. Take time to plan a video production , and there'll be a much higher likelihood of success.