Valentines Self Love | Lifestyle

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Happy Valentines Day!!

One thing I've always enjoyed about Valentines Day is that it's a celebration of love and for me that's not just the romantic type of love. This year just like every other year is about loving myself, doing the things I want to do for me.
At the beginning of the year I very much promised myself that it would be about making me happy, wearing the things I want to wear, doing the things I want to do. It hasn't been like that at all, instead I've been struggling. Taking care of myself hasn't been a priority, it takes too much energy to present myself for a day at work. 
I'm in a slightly better place now and so today is about loving me, having a super long soak in the bath while reading my book, decorating the upcoming week in my planner, and watching movies with a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.
The piece of artwork in the photo is by the lovely Melly-Em Clark. I very much believe that self love keeps you warm, for me it helps to keep me recharged and gives me time to focus on myself. It's not always on my list of priorities and often gets pushed to one side but I feel so much better when I look after myself.
How are you spending your Valentines Day?