Valentine’s Day — the Perfect Excuse for Romance!

By Claire

Happy Valentine’s Day!

So what are your plans? Are you going out? Stay­ing in? Cel­e­brat­ing your last Valentine’s Day before you get mar­ried? Or maybe you’re a first-time wed­ding blog vis­i­tor (because he pro­posed over break­fast — in which case con­grat­u­la­tions!) — I hope you have the loveli­est Valentine’s Day no mat­ter what you’re doing.

There are always news­pa­per fea­tures and sto­ries with a bit of an anti-Valentines focus on the 14th of Feb­ru­ary — fair enough: it’s not the best day if you’re sin­gle. I also under­stand the argu­ment that it’s an excuse for Hall­mark and the likes of Clin­tons to sell cards. Bah humbug…

I see Valentine’s Day as the per­fect excuse to be roman­tic, to cel­e­brate being in love, to get dressed up and go for a can­dlelit din­ner or snug­gle up with a slushy movie…

Yeah, it’s a big cel­e­bra­tion where the shops go pink and fill up with hearts from box­ing day onwards. But you know what — this year I love it. I’ll be mak­ing the most of my Valentine’s Day and I hope you have a great one too!

Claire xxx

A lovely love story — click the image to read about Donna and Paul’s wedding