VALENTINE’S DAY Has Gone to the Dogs

By Ciciwriter @suemagic

Valentine’s Day has gone to the dogs…literally!

From coast to coast, which state loves dogs the most?


A special Valentine’s Day survey of U.S. dog parents showed the following:


Post a perfect Valentine’s Day with your pet, or comment on the findings of the infographic and you might just win some doggie treats for your pooch. yummy treats !

by the way, Cici loves these treats, she cannot get enough !!!


How do your dogs help enhance your daily life?

How do your dogs help you become better people?

This year, let’s celebrate our wonderful animal companions by making February 13th Valentine’s Day For Dogs (#valentinesfordogs).

On this day, we make sure we’re also giving our pups the attention they deserve. How? I might take Cici out for a special walk, buy her a fluffy and comfy pet bed, or give her Milo’s Kitchen dog treats.

How will YOU connect with your dog this Valentine’s Day for Dogs?

The good folks at Milk-Bone, Pup-Peroni, Milo’s Kitchen, and Canine Carry Outs have made it easy for you this year with a doggie Valentine’s Day card. Get yours today at