Valentine – In My Heart: A Book of Feelings By Jo Witek

By Maliasa

Even brown bracts are beautiful!

A nature Valentine heart made of twigs, flowers and brown hydrangea bracts and flowers. Mopheads, as they are also called, are showy bushes that in the warmer months have colourful and big bracts around each flower. Now the bushes are filled with brown but still beautiful big mopheads. We also found some Christmas roses that were flowering in our garden.

Mopheads, as they are also called, are showy bushes that in the warmer months have colourful and big bracts around each flower. Now the bushes are filled with brown but still beautiful big mopheads. We also found some Christmas roses that were flowering in our garden.

What things grow in your garden that you can use to make a heart?

In My Heart: A Book of Feelings (Growing Hearts) is a sweet book that is perfect for Valentine. Written by Jo Witek with whimsical colourful illustrations by Christine Roussey. There is a beautiful heart cutout through the whole book.

The book is a celebration of feelings. All kinds of feelings: Happy, Brave, Mad, Calm, Broken, Sad, Hopeful, Afraid, Silly, Shy, and Proud. The language is lyrical but also very simple and direct. Some feelings are as light as a balloon, others as heavy as an elephant. All feelings are described how they feel physically inside our bodies.

Sometimes my heart feels like a big yellow star, shiny and bright.
I smile from ear to ear and twirl around so fast,
I feel as if I could take off into the sky.
This is when my heart is happy.
Happiness, sadness, calm, loving. . . our hearts can feel so many feelings!

Looking for more ideas for Valentine? Click here, here , or here for a selection from previous years.