Vaccines Save Lives For Sure #KnowYourVaccine #PreventWhatCanBePrevented

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters
As of current scenario, it is a setback for Sputnik, Covaxin and Sinovac as these are still not recognised internationally. That means vaccine passport with any of these vaccines may not be valid. Good thing is, Covaxin has sent its phase 3 data to The Lancet. Hopefully, it will be recognised soon. If we go a year back there was a breaking news about stocks in US going sharply high due to first trial of vaccine by Moderna pharmaceutical on 45 patients all recovered within days. This was in May 2020. Here's the link to that news. As far as I know, vaccine doesn't cure from Covid. It builds immunity in the body to fight against any further attack of Corona. It's very important to examine the person thoroughly who is seeking vaccine. If the person has any existing traces of Corona virus in the body, taking vaccine at that moment of time might go deadly against that person.
Photo credit: BC Gov Photos on
A Covid vaccine is very important for everybody as it develops antibodies similar to antibodies in a recovered Corona patient. In the first week of May 2021, Sputnik has launched single - shot vaccine with 80% efficacy. Otherwise, in most of the vaccines, we require a course of 2-3 doses at different intervals to build a considerate immunity in our body. So generally, the first dose builds an amount of antibodies that are able to create 30-40% immunity in the body if the virus attacks after a week of the dose. It is after the second dose of the vaccine that is to be injected after a few weeks to build further antibodies and thus create an immunity of day 60-80%. With that kind of immunity built in the body you are well equipped to defeat Covid.
One thing is pretty sure that if I have taken two doses of vaccine well in time with prescribed timeframe and correct gap between the first and the second dose of vaccine, a Corona attack after that will not be that serious to cause any severe damage to my body. It will always be a mild attack that can be managed staying at home taking appropriate precautions and medications.