When you see the two gentlemen wearing no pants on the cards of Utter Nonsense: Family Edition, you already know that you're about to experience something unconventional. It is absolutely an amusing experience, to put it lightly. The rules are simple. Everyone gets a hand of seven phrase cards, and one person is the judge. The judge draws an accent card. The rest of the players must proceed to pick one of the cards from their hand to pronounce in that accent. The judge then picks a winner -- whomever they thought was the best, funniest, or simply the best combination of phrase and accent. That winner gets the accent card to show their points and becomes the new judge. The first to five points wins.
The group with which I play party games loves this game, if not to prove their own capability in the field of accents, then to see others fumble with it. It is very hard to keep from laughing, and it is only harder to keep your accent going the more you hear others mess up. You may do a great John Wayne impression, but when the three people in front of you screw it up horribly, and their voices are ringing in your head, you will inevitably stumble over it as well. It is a fun, lighthearted, good time. The Family Edition, from my personal experience, is perfect for playing with your children. It is clean and includes several childhood characters that they may excel in mimicking.
Utter Nonsense: Family Edition is suitable for ages 8+
4-20 players
Sold Exclusively at Target. Retails for $24.99
Note from Susan: The reviewer enjoyed this game so much that he purchased Utter Nonsense: Naughty Edition, too!
Disclosure: A complimentary copy of this game was provided to facilitate this review, but all opinions are 100% those of the reviewer.