After my creamy pasta meal a few days ago, and my day and night of feeling pretty yucky. I thought I really had to try the salmon bits that had been saved as 'purposeful leftovers', mainly to find out if it had been the cream or the fish.
I was pretty sure that it was the cream, as I can't and don't drink any milk because of this yuckiness happening previously after anything milky. I guess when I had the cream I was hoping that by not having any milk for months I might have gotten over my intolerance. But it appears not.
There was just a little bit of salmon ....
... so I added a bag of veg hash from the freezer and one potato.
I thawed the veg hash out by simply tipping it in it's frozen state into a pan and let the heat as I stirred it around thaw it out gradually. The potato was popped into the microwave and cooked for eight minutes, once soft I scooped out the flesh gave it a quick mash and added it and some frozen peas to the hash in the pan, then I added the salmon. I cooked the lot for a couple of minutes and then tipped into a bowl to cool down. I ate the potato skins with a little butter and a sprinkle of cheese ... waste not want not ;-)
Once it was cool enough to handle I tipped a beaten egg into the bowl and divided the mixture into two. It was a pretty sloppy mix I shouldn't really have tipped all the egg into it in one go, but after rolling the potato/fish cakes round in some flour they held together enough to be able to get them onto the baking dish.
Half an hour later I had a couple of lovely fish cakes, which were served on a bed of mixed leaves with a dollop of mayo. It was very filling and very satisfying to make a full meal out of some little bits and pieces.
And I had NO side effects .... PHEW!!
Sue xx