Lavender: May reduce mental tension and stress while improving cognitive performance and alertness.
- Apply 1-2 drops behind neck am & pm or rub a drop on hand and smell frequently during stressful situations; diffuse.
Cedarwood: May be useful for focus and attention as well as calming in highly stressful, fearful moments.
- dilute and apply 1-2 drops behind neck am & pm or as needed; diffuse.
Vetiver: Grounding and calming. May aid in stabilizing emotions, coping with stress as well as promoting focus and attention.
*dilute and apply 1-2 drops along spine, behind neck or bottoms of feet am & pm or as needed; diffuse.
Frankincense: May be useful in brain development and increased neural connectivity. Has amazing calming effects and promotes emotional well-being. Sacred Frankinsence is what I have on hand, but regular is great, and is included in the Premium Starter Kit and the Everyday Oils Collection.
*Dilute 1-2 drops and apply along spine or bottoms of feet, focusing on big toe am & pm or as needed; diffuse.
To make a roller ball for quick & easy application, combine 15 drops of each, diluted with a carrier oil (like coconut, or V6) and roll on back of neck or feet as needed.Other oils with amazing brain balancing benefits: Valor, Geranium, Patchouli, Eucalyptus, Melissa, Peace and Calming, Myrrh, Basil, Lemon, Rosemary. Because everyone's body make-up is different, there are oils that may work better for one person than another.
**to join our Young Living Team, and have access to these amazing oils at wholesale price, click here and sign up as a wholesale member**live well. be well.