Uses for Roses

By Ngscents @ngscents

Hello everybody! What do roses mean to you? To most people, they are a symbol of love. A way to show their pure unconditional love for someone else. But did you know that they can also be used for many other uses besides romance? No, I’m not kidding! These gorgeous flowers have a huge variety of uses including in bath and body products, hair care, skin care, and even medicinal purposes! Aren’t you curious? There are so many different uses out there that I’m sure as soon as you finish reading this, you’ll want to try most of these for yourself!

Roses are a part of the genus Rosa, within the family Roseceae. There are over 100 species in existence and countless hybrids! They are native to Africa, North America, and Europe, but mainly Asia. The rose is approximately 35 million years old, according to some fossil evidence found in Colorado. It is the National Floral Emblem of the United States and the national flower of England. It is also the state flower of New York, North Dakota, Georgia, Iowa, and the District of Columbia. Did you know that in ancient Egypt, roses were used as offerings to the goddess Isis because they were considered the most sacred flower? And in ancient Rome and Greece, they were associated with the goddess of love?

Many bath and body products can contain roses. There are many skin care benefits when using them in bath and body products. Rose oil has many anti-bacterial properties. It also helps to treat acne, soften skin, and hydrate and moisturize skin. It also helps to fight skin diseases, regenerate cells, restore skin texture, and fights inflammation. Rose oil has even been used to change skin pigmentation! When used for hair products, the antiseptic properties in rose water help to reduce dandruff and scalp inflammation. The oil also adds shine to the hair, prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth, and can improve blood circulation in the scalp. Rose water can even be used as a natural hair spray! For all the soapers and candle makers out there, rose petals make a beautiful natural decoration to your creations. And when used as an actual ingredient in soap, it is great for softening the skin.

There are countless medicinal benefits to roses as well! When rose oil is used in a compress, it helps to treat puffiness of the eyes, and also treats inflamed and tired eyes. When combined with Melissa oil, rose oil is awesome for treating herpes sores. The fruit that grows on rose plants, rose hips, is very high in vitamin C. The rose hips help to treat high blood pressure, lower cholesterol, chest pains, fevers, and they can even be used as a kidney tonic. Rose oil is also used to help with panic attacks. There is a rose tea that can be made that can help treat PMS, menopause symptoms, mastitis, and breast pain in women. Roses can also be used to stimulate the liver, improve circulation, and increase the appetite. Those are only a few of the many medicinal benefits from roses!

Wondering how to find this awesome product on our site? Well the easiest way is by typing “rose” into our search bar. That will take you directly to a page that shows all of the fantastic rose products we offer including our Red Dried Rose Petals and Buds and our Pink Dried Rose Petals and Buds. We also have many rose fragrance oils and a bunch of free rose recipes like our Lavender Sage Bath Bombs! Enjoy and have fun! And watch out for more Enlightened by Layla!