Now let's fly back into history and visit Albert Einstein. Albert was instrumental to Solar technology for his experiments with solar energy and photovoltaics which landed him the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. Even further back in time; Leonardo da Vinci during his work at the Vatican, would use concave shaped mirrors to heat water. Doesn't that make you think of Solar Hot Water system?
That said, here are some interestingly 'geeky' facts on Solar Energy:
In full sun, you can safely assume that about 1367 watts (W) reaches each square meter (m2) of the Outer Edge of the Earth's Atmosphere. The Atmosphere absorbs, reflects, and diffuses a portion of the energy, and 1000 W/m2 is the amount of energy that reaches sea level on a clear day at high noon. This condition is for an air mass = 1.5. As the sun follows its path in the sky, the air mass increases and the amount of energy that makes it to a given location is less than 1000 W/m2.
Reference: New York Post, Wed, April 13, 2011