Here are some useful Dutch phrases (with their English equivalents) to flash around when you come to the Netherlands.
Ik spreek geen Nederlands = I don't speak Dutch
Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands = I speak a little Dutch
Ja = Yes
Nee = No
Alstublieft = Please
Dank u = Thank you
Ik begrijp het niet = I don't understand
Hoe zegt u ______ in het Nederlands? = How do you say ________ in Dutch?
Spreekt u Engels? = Do you speak Dutch?
Hoeveel kost het? = How much does it cost?
Waar is het toilet? = Where is the toilet?
Pardon = Excuse me
Sorry = Sorry
Wat zegt u? = What did you say?
Hoe gaat het met u? = How are you?
Mijn naam is _______ = My name is ____________
Goedemorgen / Goedemiddag / Goedenavond = Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening
Ik kom uit ________ = I'm from ___________
Graag gedaan = You're welcome
Ik ben verdwaald = I am lost
Mag ik uw telefoon gebruiken? = May I use your telephone?
Ik ben mijn (sleutels, portemonee, paspoort, bagage) kwijt = I've lost my (keys, wallet, passport, luggage)
Tot ziens = Goodbye
To hear the above words and phrases pronounced in Dutch, go to Select either "Femke" or "Max" under "select a voice," copy and paste the word you want to hear in the text box, and press "say it."
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