Useful Dutch Phrases for Travelers

By Amsterdam City Tours

The official language of the Netherlands is Dutch. It is a Germanic language spoken by an estimated 27 million people world-wide. While most Dutch people speak excellent English and Amsterdam has the distinction of being the largest Anglophone city in continental Europe, learning the local language can enhance your travel experiences.

Here are some useful Dutch phrases (with their English equivalents) to flash around when you come to the Netherlands.

Ik spreek geen Nederlands = I don't speak Dutch

Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands = I speak a little Dutch

Ja = Yes

Nee = No

Alstublieft = Please

Dank u = Thank you

Ik begrijp het niet = I don't understand

Hoe zegt u ______ in het Nederlands? = How do you say ________ in Dutch?

Spreekt u Engels? = Do you speak Dutch?

Hoeveel kost het? = How much does it cost?

Waar is het toilet? = Where is the toilet?

Pardon = Excuse me

Sorry = Sorry

Wat zegt u? = What did you say?

Hoe gaat het met u? = How are you?

Mijn naam is _______ = My name is ____________

Goedemorgen / Goedemiddag / Goedenavond = Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening

Ik kom uit ________ = I'm from ___________

Graag gedaan = You're welcome

Ik ben verdwaald = I am lost

Mag ik uw telefoon gebruiken? = May I use your telephone?

Ik ben mijn (sleutels, portemonee, paspoort, bagage) kwijt = I've lost my (keys, wallet, passport, luggage)

Tot ziens = Goodbye

To hear the above words and phrases pronounced in Dutch, go to Select either "Femke" or "Max" under "select a voice," copy and paste the word you want to hear in the text box, and press "say it."

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