Use Delhi Metro App-Avoid Being Restless

By Finoit Labs

Delhi Metro has changed things in and around Delhi to a great extent. It, kind of civilized the restless Delhiites who almost used to throw themselves on the age-old DTC buses and created war like situation inside the vehicle just to capture a seat. The advanced coaches thankfully brought exceptional advancement among its commuters. 
However, the condition has not completely altered as there are still many who don’t mind causing mess. They are eager to know every information on Delhi Metro, and in the run, make sure to bother the inquiry offices or the passengers to the heights. It is not such people hurt others, in fact they are pretty right in inquiring about the details. It is just that their questions may often put others in a miserable situation due to lack of proper answer.
All those inquisitive brains who love to know every bit of Delhi Metro, can well find solace in our sophisticated mobile app built on the lines of our Dubai Metro app. Yes, Delhi Metro App by Finoit Labs fetches all the usable details about the metro network and if that is not enough, you can also grab the information on major locations in the entire Delhi NCR. Too cool, isn’t it? 
So without wasting even a fraction of second, lets download it right now on our Android or iOS devices and make ourselves update about our very own Dilli!