USC Professor Calls Republicans Old White Racists

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

It is now perfectly acceptable behavior to bash white people, Republicans, and conservatives.

If a professor (or anyone) had called Democrats old black racists, this would be all over the mainstream media or what George Orwell called the Ministry of Truth in his prescient novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Oliver Darcy and Josiah Ryan report for Campus Reform, Apr 10, 2013, that a University of Southern California (USC) student secretly captured political science professor Darry Sragow misusing a fall semester 2012 political science class to deliver a sustained angry attack on Republicans, whom he characterizes as old white racist losers.

In the 15 min. video taken by Tyler Talgo, Sragow also conveys his approval of the illegal suppression of Republican votes.

A student asked the professor how to keep Republicans from voting. “You lose their information on the election in the mail. I mean there is lots [sic] of ways to do it,” Sragow answered, ungrammatically.

A teaching assistant (TA), who also appeared to work for the university, then seemed to suggest Black Panthers could be placed at polling stations to intimidate Republican voters. Rather than rebuking the TA, Sragow instead expressed his approval, saying “Yeah, yeah. You can do that.”

In a classic case of psychological projection, while endorsing illegal techniques to suppress Republican votes, Sragow accused the GOP of suppressing Democratic votes by supporting laws requiring voter I.D.: “Republicans are trying to prevent people of color and people of lower income from voting by requiring voter I.D.”

Sragow also made dozens of other derogatory remarks about Republicans and Republican politicians.

He attacked former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his wife Ann, saying “Romney tends to make shit up” and “Ann Romney to me looks like she’s out of 1955 and the women who are going to have to decide the race are women who have to work for a living … she looks like she is hanging out at the country club in Mad Men.”

Sragow singled out California Republicans for trashing, calling them stupid racist SOBs: “California Republicans I just showed you are 30 percent registration in this state because they are really stupid and racist. The Republican party in California as I say all the time on the record in print on the radio and on TV is the last vestige of angry old white people. Old white guys are stubborn sons of bitches.”

Neither a spokesperson for USC nor professor Sragow responded to multiple requests from Campus Reform seeking comment.

Watch this sorry excuse of a professor spew his hate speech for yourself:

Actually, Darry Sragow is the loser.

A search on USC’s Political Science Department’s website uncovered that Darry Sragow’s title, despite his advanced age, is a lowly non-tenured non-tenure-track Adjunct Assistant Professor:

Darry Sragow
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Political Science
Research Areas:
Phone: (213)892-2925
Office: VKC 327

“Assistant Professor” is the title of the lowest rung of professorship — of  young fresh-out-of-grad-schools Ph.D.s.  “Adjunct” means Sragow is hired only on a year-by-year basis. All of which means that Sragow was hired as a junior Assistant Professor in another college or university many years ago but was denied tenure there. So now he makes his living drifting from one university to another as an Adjunct.

In other words, Darry Sragow is a loser — a failure in academe.

Please help make sure that USC kicks this bigot out. I searched for the Chair of the USC Political Science Department, but cannot find who he/she is. To contact the department:

Phone: 213-740-6998

To contact USC’s President:

C. L. Max Nikias, President
Office of the President
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-4019
Phone: (213) 740-2111; (213) 821-1342
