U.S. Still Averages Over One Mass Shooting A Day

Posted on the 08 February 2022 by Jobsanger

The chart above is from the Gun Violence Archive. It shows that in the 38 days of 2022, there have been 40 mass shootings in the United States (a shooting where at least four people are shot). That's more than one mass shooting for every day of this year.

There have also been 4,347 gun deaths -- about 144 gun deaths for each day.

No other developed country has this kind of problem with gun violence. The U.S. has the problem because of its extremely lenient gun laws. In this country, anyone (criminal, terrorist, the dangerously mentally ill) can get any kind of gun (and ammunition) they want -- legally! This should be fixed.

Between 80% and 90% of the public wants the loopholes eliminated in the background check law. But the politicians (especially the Republicans) refuse to do it. They claim it would create a hardship for people who want to give a gun to family members or friends.

But how hard could it be to just pay a few dollars and get a background check? If the recipient passes the background check, then you can give them a gun. If they don't, you should not be giving them a gun anyway -- because that poses a danger to other members of the community.

They also claim doing the background checks on everyone receiving a gun would violate the Constitution's Second Amendment. That's simply not true. The Supreme Court have already ruled that background checks are constitutional.

Closing the background check loopholes would not eliminate all gun deaths, but it would substantially reduce the number of them. The politicians know that. Too many of them have just sold their souls (and votes) to the NRA and the gun manufacturers. For them, guns are more important than American lives.