We now have the actual State Department memo recommending the “expeditious” importing of Ebola-infected non-citizens into the United States for medical treatment.
It would cost $300,000 to treat each patient and another $200,000 for transportation — expenses that the State Dept. claims will be borne by the patient or their parent organization, and NOT by U.S. taxpayers. But do you actually believe the Obama administration? I don’t.
Since when has Obama actually told the truth about anything? Or have we forgotten his grand promise of “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your insurance,” or “your health insurance premium will actually go down with Obamacare”?
Doing so would require special waivers of laws and regulations that currently ban the admission of non-citizens with a communicable disease as dangerous as Ebola.
Judicial Watch’s source said the Obama administration is keeping from Congress this illegal plan that endangers the public health and welfare of Americans.
Now, the watchdog group’s initial report is confirmed to be true.
From Judicial Watch, Oct. 29, 2014:
This several media outlets have confirmed JW’s story, attributing the information to an unclassified State Department report. It spells out a plan to rush foreigners into the U.S. for Ebola treatment [...] It would cost $300,000 to treat each patient and…
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