US: Senior Official Does Not Rule out New Containments

Posted on the 12 July 2020 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619

(New York) “Everything should be considered” to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the American States where it accelerates, including a return to stricter confinements, said Sunday the assistant secretary for Health, Brett Giroir , in the aftermath of a new record of positive cases in the United States.

Published on 12 July 2020 at 11 h 28

France Media Agency

More than 66 00 0 new cases of COVID – 19 have were recorded in one day on Saturday, according to count from Johns Hopkins University.

Six states, including North Carolina, Arkansas and South Carolina, broke the record for day one test positive on Saturday.

For Brett Giroir, a doctor and pediatrician by training, it is already necessary to close bars in the states most affected, as well as to limit the indoor seating capacity of restaurants.


Assistant Secretary for Health, Brett Giroir

At the end of June, the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, ordered the closure of the bars and fixed the capacity of the restaurants to 50% of the usual configuration, going back after having relaxed the containment.

California, Florida and Arizona have also taken measures to close or limit the frequentation of bars, followed this week by Nevada and Louisiana.

South Carolina, Arkansas and Alabama, all major clusters of new cases, have not, however, ordered closure.

The government expects a further increase in the number of hospitalizations and deaths in the coming days, even if the death rate is significantly lower today than at the start of the pandemic, said Brett Giroir .

The rise should continue “the next two or three weeks, before it reverses,” he said on ABC.

The manager insisted on the need to wear a mask in the most affected regions to hope to slow the progression of the coronavirus.

“For this to work, it is necessary that 90% of people wear a mask in public”, did he he hammered it. “If not, we will not be able to control the virus. “

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