Tony Swagger: Read this, EPGAH…
Hell EPGAH probably wants a war with Russia.
EPGAH thinks exactly like almost 100% of Americans. Almost all Americans think that US foreign policy can do no wrong. Everything the US does foreign policy-wise is always 100% good and 0% bad. We are always good. We are always the angels. We are never bad. We are never the evildoers.
The Pentagon is always good. The Army is always good. Even the CIA is always good. The vast majority of liberal Democrats I know love the Pentagon, the Army and even the CIA!
It is almost a religious way of thinking. It is extremely prominent to the point where it is very hard to find one American anywhere who will say one word against US foreign policy. I think people believe it is unpatriotic. Foreign policy is the essence of the nation. Attack foreign policy or that silly army with its twisted psychopathic generals and you are spitting right on that darned flag itself. The army is the country. The Pentagon is America. The Pentagon, the army and the flag are all the same thing. They are all America, part of the secular God of patriotism.
Domestic policy can be good or bad, but the country is always still good. If domestic policy sucks, it is not because the country sucks but because the party who put in the domestic policy sucks. People I know always think America is pristine, pure, all white and angelic. If domestic policy is crap, it is because of those evil Republicans. Republicans pure black, pure evil, 100% devils. Democrats wear all white all year, are never wrong and are always right. If you criticize the Godly Democrats than you are one of the dark ones, the Republican evildoers.
They really don’t get that it’s Americans who elect the government. Unless you live in a dictatorship, if your government is crap, it’s because you are crap! Crappy governments exist because crappy humans put them in there. The state is always a reflection of the people. Lousy people, lousy state. Good people, good state. It’s pretty simple. But the people I know never see it that way.
America itself is always that shining city on the Hill, forever fighting for good against the forces of Darkness the world over. Even if right now we are sliding into fascism, the country itself is still pure, virginal and innocent of all guilt. The party sucks, but the country is good. The government sucks, but the country is good. The party and the government suck, but the people are still good.
It’s a very weird way to think. As I write this, I can’t help thinking that this is a fundamentalist religious way of looking at patriotism. American patriotism is a fundamentalist religion as nutty and irrational as any other group of Talibans.
This rabid, lunatic patriotism will be the last thing to ever die as we continue to swirl down this golden toilet we built for ourselves, our shrine to our culture in decline and fall. Even when we are crumbling amidst the ruins, barely able to stand, emaciated, homeless and deadly ill, our dying hands will still reach for that silly flag and wave it in the air like the little children we are.