There’s a severe disconnect in U.S. policy toward China. At the same time as a Navy intelligence chief warns that China’s military is training for a quick war against Japan to take a group of disputed islets in the East China Sea, the Obama admin is courting China in the delusional quest for a closer military-to-military relations. So what else is new? Obama is a disaster not just for Americans but also for U.S. friends & allies like Japan.
~Dr. Eowyn
Chinese marines assault a beach during the Mission Action 2013 exercise. Xinhua Photo
At the West 2014 conference on Feb. 13 in San Diego, California, Capt. James Fannell, deputy chief of staff intelligence and information operations for PACFLEET, said that the PLA is training to take the Senkaku Islands, as part of China’s Mission Action 2013 exercise — a massive exercise between the all branches of the PLA. Fannell said: