US Marine Drops Bombshell On Ferguson, Missouri Police State – This Is Not America Anymore!

Posted on the 16 August 2014 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Live Free or Die - BIN

With Americans rapidly awakening to the hostile ‘police state’ takeover of Amerika due to the Ferguson, Missouri ‘martial law show’ put on by the public servants of Ferguson, the Ferguson police department, a US Marine RIPS THE POLICE STATE to shreds in this newly released video from TheAlexJonesChannel.
Joining a peaceful protest in Ferguson, this Marine tells us that peacefully protesting Americans SHOULD NEVER have sniper rifles pointed at them and tanks intimidating them as America turns into a 3rd world country.
Warning us that this isn’t the country he chose to fight for, this ‘police state’ doesn’t yet understand that IT is DESTROYING ITSELF by its’ own Karma as Americans awaken to the fact that the ‘police state’ is now the biggest terrorist organization in the country.
