Solar Power has always had many setbacks since its conception and commercial use in the U.S. Among these issues is the access to the grid - mainly large scale storage of this free electricity from the sun. "Energy storage is the killer application for taking our grid to the next level"Matt Rogers a senior advisory for the U.S. Energy Secretary commented a few years ago (Source: NY Times Sept 2010). It seems there is change in the air as recently, changes in regulation at the Federal and State levels have been establishing the building blocks to bring storage possibilities to the electric grid.
Last June 2012 the Federal Government passed a new rule making it easy for solar and wind energy producers and distributors to feed into the grid. This move to break the barriers in order to access the grid will set a new level of competition in the energy market that may tilt the tide towards renewables. The new rule will make ways for providers to schedule more detailed increments making it possible to further manage power changes from these different sources.