US Blacks and African Blacks Compared

Posted on the 14 May 2014 by Calvinthedog

In a previous post, I told how I used to work with a group of people combating Internet scammers out of Nigeria.

These Nigerians were so scummy that I started thinking how lucky we are in the US to have our US African-Americans as opposed to these pure hardcore African Blacks! US Blacks have been here for centuries and culturally, we have wrung a lot of the African out of them, which is a good thing. Our US Blacks look like saints so much compared to these African monsters that I almost felt like getting down on my knees and shouting to God about how great our US Blacks were.

This also showed up how Blacks’ problems are not all genetic because there is not a lot of genetic difference between a fresh out of the jungle African and the Black guy next door.

However, I will say that in the depths of the worst ghettos or maybe when all controls go off like after Hurricane Katrina, all of those centuries of civilizing the US Blacks got here seem to be swept away in an instant, and Africa comes crashing right back in just like one of those 30 foot Katrina waves.

You think US Blacks are bad, you ain’t seen nothing. A lot of US Blacks act pretty good.

On the other hand, the number of these Africans that we dealt with that behaved even remotely human was less than 5%. They were literally the scum of the Earth.