U.S. Army Tells Soldiers Don’t Criticize Obama

Posted on the 13 March 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

Daniel Halper reports for The Weekly Standard, Mar. 5, 2013, that a U.S. Army spokesman, Stephen D. Abney, the chief public affairs official for the Army’s Joint Munitions Command, recently sent an email to all 6,000 employees he speaks for, as well as civilian contractors.

The email details how our soldiers should deal with the press because of sequestration — the mandatory spending cuts to the military. But the email also tells our soldiers they are not to criticize the POS or any political party to members of the press.

Here’s the full text of Abney’s email:

—–Original Message—–

From: Larson, Angela M CIV (US)
Sent: Friday, March
01, 2013 5:59 PM
Subject: Sequestration – Media Tips

To JMC employees,

Because of media interest in sequestration and furlough, you may be approached or contacted by a reporter at some point and asked to comment.

If you don’t wish to speak with a reporter, politely decline.

If you agree to be interviewed, remember that you’re expressing your personal opinion, not that of anyone else – and certainly not the opinion of JMC or the Army.

Avoid giving an answer that might be perceived as criticism of the Commander in Chief or any political party.

If you’re asked to provide an official statement, refer the reporter to JMC PAO, the official spokesperson for the command. Their number is [REDACTED].


Stephen D. Abney
Chief, Public Affairs
Joint Munitions Command

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Abney told the Weekly Standard that he was just reminding employees that “they are not spokespersons for the government” and that Obama, their commander in chief, is their boss.


Actually, Mr. Abney, you are wrong.

Barack Obama is not their boss. The boss of Obama and every soldier and employee of the federal government are U.S. taxpayers.

This must mean only one thing:

There’s a crescendo of gripes about the thin-skinned POS from our service men and women! LOL
