Url Shorteners

Posted on the 06 October 2015 by Balachandar Suresh
Url Shorteners

Url Shortening is a technique in which the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) eg. http://ageekview.com/blog/url-shorteners/ can be reduced in length but still can be redirected to the original link. This can be helpful in messaging where you have limited number of characters that can be sent, or when you don't have time to write down the entire url for sharing it with others.

For example the link above can be replaced with the following URL Shorteners

  1. http://goo.gl/IEpQ0V - Goo.gl Google URL Shortener
  2. http://tinyurl.com/ageekview - Tinyurl.com Tiny URL Shortener
  3. http://bit.ly/1jMC55q -Bit.ly Bitly.com Url

In the above shorteners tinyurl and bitly provides a feature by which we can request for a key with which the shortened url can be created.

There are few URL shorteners which will help in monetisation such as adf.ly

adf.ly is a URL shortener service that converts your link into a shorter one just like bit.ly or goo.gl. But the main difference is that adf.ly will pay you each time a user clicks on the link that you create.

But sometimes it may create negative effects if you use links for monetisation. The target audience may feel frustrated to view your site because they might have to wait 5-10 seconds for clicking on "Go to Site" or "Visit Site" button.

In the next post I will let you know about the ways to monetise your blogs and at the same time I will give you a brief idea about how to skip the waiting time of adf.ly and directly go to the target url i.e. bypassing adf.ly urls.

Stay Tuned !!
