URGENT: Help Ban Bobcat Trapping in CA & Set a National Precedent!‏

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Originally posted on Exposing the Big Game:


In less than a month the California Fish and Game Commission will vote whether to make California the first state in the nation to ban bobcat trapping.

Together we can do this- but we need your help! With a few simple actions you can help end this needless killing.

As Governor Brown recently appointed two new Commissioners (Eric Sklar and Anthony Williams who replaced Michael Sutton and Richard Rogers), it is all the more important that these Commissioners hear from you on this issue- and from your friends, family and colleagues. They need to know how many Californians and visitors to California care about wildlife and don’t want to see bobcats trapped for fur.

In 2013, California Governor Jerry Brown signed the Bobcat Protection Act (AB 1213) into law. Originally intended to ban bobcat trapping statewide, the legislation was then amended and weakened by the pro-trapping industry. Now the…

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