Urban Jungle Bloggers: Watering Your Plants

By Hollie Brooks @MiaFleur_home

For one reason or another, we haven’t been able to take part in Urban Jungle Bloggers for the last couple of months, so we’re pleased to be back. This month, the topic is, “Watering your plants – how do you take care of your greens?”

I have a love hate relationship with my indoor plants – I love them but can’t seem to remember to water them therefore they die! Is it because I view them as part of the overall décor of my home? I don’t know but I do know I have to stick to plants that can cope with neglect. My lovely spider plant has been with me a few years now and goes through some terrible times – poor thing. At the moment it is flourishing due to some Baby Bio house plant food tablets and a regular drink but it can cope when I go away and don’t water. I move it away from sunlight and it is fine, if a little droopy on my return, as if to say ‘you left me’.

Sempervivums are another great plant for neglect as they thrive on very little water, so perfect for me. I give them a good drink with my gorgeous copper watering can from Haws, move them out of the sun and they are still smiling when I get back from my hols.

To have a read of all of the other Urban Jungle tips for watering your plants, check out Judith and Igor’s blogs.

Jacqui x

Urban Jungle Bloggers: Watering your Plants by Jacqui Brooks