Urban Homesteading Will Save Humanity

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

After the zombie apocalypse or the super flu we won't be able to walk into a store and buy whatever our hearts' desire. All of us will need to be the farmers of the world and the urban homesteading movement can help lead the way.

What is Urban Homesteading?

Urban homesteading is a term used to describe agriculture and sustainable living practiced in large cities. It is also sometimes called urban farming.

For those who love being outdoors and who love to have their hands in the dirt, homesteading is a meaningful way of life. These people are leaders, teaching us how to survive if a catastrophe of The Stand like proportions happens. In the meantime, they have more than a few things to teach us about sustainability.

Components of Urban Homesteading

Urban homesteading is a number of different lifestyles in one: frugal living, simple living (which often comes up in the tiny home community and those who prefer small homes and apartments), and survivalist.

Urban homesteading is living and providing sustenance in the most self-sustainable eco-friendly way you can. It is a constant learning process of new techniques, slow growth, and learning the land under your feet. Soil is different in different parts of the country, and sometimes even from yard to yard. You really need to get to know your soil first before you begin gardening.

More than Gardening

Urban homesteading isn't just about gardening, though.

It can involve beekeeping, animal husbandry, and recycling materials for décor. Every activity feeds the next to creat an ecosystem. Each piece goes into cultivating the garden, adding to the visual pleasure of your home, feeding yourself and your family, and maybe even selling some.

Nothing goes to waste, not even actual waste. Human and animal waste fertilizes the garden. Greywater from your washing can be used to water the garden. Leftover food goes into the compost.

Urban Homesteading Supplies

At Goedeker's we have the tools urban homesteaders use to achieve successful sustainability on their properties.

  1. Composters are essential when it comes to creating effective recycled fertilizer. They range from small canisters to large capacity tumblers to accommodate specific needs.
  2. Canning tools are used to preserve produce and fruit so it will last all year long through the bitter winter. For those who use electric tools, pressure cookers are utilized. Mason jars are usually the preferred method of canning storage.
  3. Raised garden beds are great for growing herbs and vegetables without rehabilitating existing soil. They are perfect for small outdoor spaces, and make gardening easier and more efficient for beginners.
  4. Chicken coops and chicken coop accessories help build the optimal environment for chicken flocks. Keeping flocks for eggs, fertilizer, and meat is a vital component of urban homesteading.
  5. Beekeeping tools make it possible to create perfect hives that provide delicious, fresh honey. The honey can be used for cooking as well as an extra income source. Plus, with the bee population on decline, beekeeping will be in more demand and yield more benefits in the years to come.

Urban homesteading is hard work, but it can be tremendously rewarding.

Outstanding Urban Homesteads

Here are some examples of incredible urban homesteads.

Getting Started

When you look at some of these complex and beautiful homesteads it seems overwhelming. It seems like a person would need to quit their job and spend every single moment of daylight cultivating their small parcel of land.

However, even the famous Dervaes family, started out with just a small corner garden and slowly expanded from there. It's marveling what humans can do when we set our minds to it.

If you would like more information about urban homesteading and available classes, (if you happen to be in the Pasadena, CA area), check out Urban Homesteading by the Dervaes Family.