Urban Bushwoman:I’m Not Reblogging Because I’m Lazy. I’m ...

By Urbanbushwoman @urbanbushwoman9

Urban Bushwoman:

I’m not reblogging because I’m lazy. I’m reblogging this because it’s fantastic and you should read it. BOOYAH!!!

Originally posted on IsThisThingOn?:

“Lift every voice and sing…Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of Liberty…”- Lift Every Voice and Sing, James Weldon Johnson

Happy Black History Month!

A funny..or maybe a not so funny..I remember when I first talked about Black History Month with my daughter who was probably about five or six at the time. She’s now 15.  She asked me why we only had one month to celebrate black people..and I didn’t have a good answer for her.

And I still don’t.

I guess from my perspective, it’s good to, at least, highlight the contributions that African Americans have made to society some time.  And February is as good a time as any. (Peep the sarcasm?)

Jokes aside, I don’t have a good answer for her…or anyone else who asks the question.  Not sure why it’s only one month.  I will, however, take the time (during this…

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