The streak continued this weekend when we called off a camping trip when my housekeeper's daughter invited us over to celebrate Eid. Then the invitation fell through and instead we stayed in town. But, to make up for it, we took the children to the local (and probably only) water park.
The CLO had organized the trip, so the children had a great time playing with their friends and I had a fun time chatting with my friends.
And Brandon took the children on rides in between watching the baby so I could go on water slides. The last two visits we made to water parks were at the end of pregnancies, so I haven't ridden water slides in quite awhile. I had a lot of fun.
The park itself was actually quite nice, especially for being located in Dushanbe. Lots of lifeguards were stationed around the pool, and I think it might have been cleaner than the embassy pool.
The only one who didn't enjoy themselves thoroughly was Joseph, who refused to be comforted when he found out that the big water slides were off limits for three year olds. I'm pretty sure one of his first memories will be the devastation he suffered from not riding the big water slides.
Everyone else, however, got to enjoy the big slides right until Edwin got confused and swam across the exits of every single water slide after his first solo ride. Then the slides were suddenly off limits for small children. Maybe if they weren't all so blonde they could have slipped in unnoticed, but it's pretty easy to spot the ones that aren't like the others.