Updated June 9: Double Homicide in Delphi, Indiana, February 13, 2017: Liberty German and Abigail Williams

Posted on the 10 June 2018 by Calvinthedog

First Delphi Murders post in a long time (almost six months), but it’s a good one. I hardly post these anymore because half the world beats the Hell out of me every time I write one of these posts. After a while, you don’t want to write anymore.

Also, our sources are getting better. Now we are getting information from LE, people very close to the families, and the friends and associates of a major suspect, in addition to people who have an ear very close to the best rumors floating around the depths of the Delphi Underworld. We are getting a lot better about sorting out the crap rumors from the good rumors. Do you have any idea how many rumors we don’t print? You have no idea. We never run so much stuff because we don’t think it’s high enough quality or sourced well enough. We toss far more material than we run here.

The Latest from Law Enforcement Sources

Although our group does have LE sources from time to time, mostly we don’t get much if any information out of them. They don’t tell us much. We received a number of tips sourced somehow or other from LE early in the investigation, however, I must warn you that even some of those LE-sourced tips went bad on us. I even had one in a screenshot of a man talking to an LE friend of us discussing the crime scene. Sound pretty good, right? Forget it. Bad tip. You really have to take everything at face value in this case. We have had so many tips go bad on us

If you would like though, here is our latest information from an LE source. We asked him about the case and he said he had many friends who were working on it but he couldn’t tell us much obviously. However, he did say a couple of things.

Q: Do you think the case will ever be solved?

A: They think they already know who killed those girls but the investigation got screwed up so badly in the early days after the murders that there is a worry that they may never be able to get a conviction in the case.

Ok, so there was some sort of mangling / trashing / mishandling of evidence. I am thinking a chain of custody issue.

Q: Can you tell me how the girls were killed?

A: You really don’t want to know.

Although I would hate to be vindicated for something like that, I am afraid that some of the most gruesome rumors we repeated on here and were so roundly pummeled over may well have been true. I shudder to think.

About Robert Lindsay’s Favorite Suspect

I would like to make one official statement about this man, who I still will not name.

I am 100% convinced that this man played some sort of a role in these murders. However, I am not sure if he was at the bridge that day or if he killed those girls. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t. At one time I definitely thought he was at the bridge that day, but now I am not so sure anymore.

What I mean when I said he played a role in the killings is that he was either one or more of the following:

  1. Present at the bridge that day and killed those girls.
  2. Present at the bridge that day and somehow assisted in the murder of those girls.
  3. Participated in the planning of the crime beforehand.
  4. Completely innocent of involvement in these murders, but heard about them in detail only a few days after the crime.

The Mystery of the Delmar Apartment Complex

The reason I say this is that we have just received information that this man was present in an apartment complex in Delphi only three days after the crime. He was in an apartment with two other men, both also members of the Delphi Underworld. They were drinking and talking loudly. They were talking all about this crime, how it was done, what went wrong, what could have been done differently, etc. They seemed to have intimate details of the crime that had not been released at the time and still have not been released.

The only way they could have know this is if they were in on the planning or commission of the murders or if someone told them the details of the crime soon after it was committed.

A woman next door heard them and called the police. Officers came to the complex. We don’t know what happened, but I assume there is a police report on this, and someone might want to go find it. In addition, this woman reportedly has some sort of a transcription of what those men were talking about next door to her that night. How in the Hell she got any sort of transcription of that conversation, I have no idea. However, she’s gone silent, and she won’t give up that transcription either. She’s terrified like everyone else.

These apartments were raided shortly afterwards by LE. A man who was thought to be The Bridge Man himself was seen two times in the laundry room of the complex. Both times residents called police, but by the time they arrived, he was gone.

And now for the name of the apartment complex: The Delmar Apartments, Delphi, California. Look back in the papers to see that LE did indeed raid those apartments around a week after the murders. Little is known about the raid, but at the time people thought it was connected to the murders.

The Worst Rumor of Them All, That Not Only Won’t Die But Keeps Getting Stronger

Truthfully, I have always hated that damned rumor about one of the girls, most recently Libby, being pregnant. I really don’t care if one of those girls was pregnant or not. I’m not a Victorian like so many of my critics. These girls were sexually mature females, they may have been sexually active (we don’t whether they were or not), and girls that age can and do get pregnant. But we got so beaten up over that rumor that I was more than happy to bury it recently based on some evidence we received on the condition of the bodies post-mortem.

Yes, we have contacts who saw the bodies post-mortem after they were removed from the scene.

So it is with great despair that I must tell that this horrible rumor is rearing its awful head again. I would love to have not even printed this, but the problem is that the source of this rumor keeps creeping closer and closer to the families. At this point, we are about one ear away from the families.

One of the members of these girls’ families, and I will not say who (though you know them well), is apparently stating that Libby German was indeed in the very early phase of pregnancy. What what we have heard, Anna Williams knew about this because Abby told her. The Germans, in particular Becky German, had no idea of Libby’s condition. However, this family member is reporting that Becky German discovered that Libby was pregnant in going through her things after her death. It is said that Becky is denying Libby’s pregnancy because she is in denial about it.

Sigh. This damned rumor just won’t die, will it? Damn this rumor! I hate it so much!

You might wonder why nothing official has never come out, but these things often do not come out until later, perhaps at trial.

More Awful Rumors about the Murders Themselves, Better Sourced Now

Speaking of sensationalism! You want some new dirt? Here goes:

  • The girls were gagged, apparently with duct tape, at some point. That may be why no one heard them. Source: A relative of a family member.
  • At least Libby had some sort of solution poured over her body to kill DNA. Bleach? I don’t know what it is. It may have been poured on Abby too. Source: Someone close to a very well known family member.
  • Some sort of object was jammed into poor Libby’s vagina somehow or other, either before or after death. I don’t know what this is, but this could be bringing us back around to the horrible stakes and sticks in girls’ bodies rumors that I got so pummeled for. I don’t know if it was a stake or a stick. All I know is it was some object. The source referenced the DNA-killing solution and “whatever object that was that he stuck up her.”  Source: Someone close to a very well known family member.

A New Theory of the Murders: Three Killers – An Older Man, a Younger Man, and a Young Woman

There is a new theory going around Delphi that says there were three killers who killed the girls:

  • A man in his 50’s, the Bridge Man. A major local criminal. He controlled meth manufacture and at the bridge, and he controlled a lot of the meth being sold around Delphi. At the time of the murders, this man had small children, a niece and nephew, living with him. They were taken away from him at one point and sent to grandparents. This man was the children’s uncle. Both of the children told their grandparents that their uncle killed those girls. When the girl saw the photo of the Bridge Man, she said, “Look! That man is wearing Uncle X’s jacket!” Although this man is a major meth dealer in the area, he never seems to go to jail. He seems to have a cooperative relationship with LE and may well be a confidential informant. He has given up many of his associates to LE, and it is thought that he stays out of jail and they let him deal as long as he keeps giving people up.
  • A woman in her 20’s, this man’s daughter. Appears to be heavily into the local drug/meth scene from the looks of her. She apparently has a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder.
  • A man in his 30’s, a very well-known local man. This man confessed to the murders to a friend a few days after the crime. He also had a huge scratch across his neck the day after the crime. His confession was reported to LE. Last I heard they wanted his DNA, but he was refusing to give it. This man was the boyfriend of the woman above. This man’s aunt openly states that he killed those girls. I know this man well and I would diagnose him as a psychopath. He also has prominent narcissistic tendencies.

As the story goes, Bridge Man did indeed round up the girls and walk them across the bridge. On the other side were the younger couple.  The young man killed both of the girls. The young woman then inflicted some gratuitous overkill type injuries on Libby.

These rumors are coming directly from the Delphi Underground. The sources are friends and associates of the older man above. They openly state that he killed those girls and have provided the story above about how it happened. Now we have had all sorts of rumors floating around about this crime for over a year now, but this is the first time that we have people actually coming forward and openly pointing the finger at people and accusing them of committing this crime. Keep in mind that this man’s very own friends and associates are accusing him of committing this crime!

A Old Motive Rises from the Past: The Drug Motive, Specifically Methamphetamine

Although these rumors are going about town, everyone is absolutely terrified because some of the people involved seem to be underworld types who may be able to have people killed. Also the crime motive seems to be drugs, and a local man was killed recently for owing money to a meth dealer. The locals think if they speak up against this group, they will be killed, so no one wants to talk, especially on record. They also do not want to talk to police. The reason given is that many people in Delphi think that the local police are corrupt and there is a fear that they are somehow involved in the local drug trade, possibly by protecting some of the big dealers.

The motive? It’s one of the most hated rumors of all, especially by me. I have been attacking this motive as incorrect forever now. And now here it is, coming back to haunt us again like those other awful rumors.

The motive is drugs, specifically methamphetamine.

Some Very Strange Goings-on in Delphi Just Before the Murders

Shortly before the murders, some strange things happened.

  • Some tainted meth was being circulated. A number of people had gotten sick or crazed by this bad batch of drugs. Some people are blaming Derrick German, father of Libby, for selling this bad batch. A local man says Derrick’s bad batch caused the man’s girlfriend to miscarry and he blames Derrick for the death of the baby.
  • Derrick German owed the older man above (possible Bridge Man) a lot of money for meth and he was unable to pay.
  • A large amount of drugs, possibly meth, had suddenly gone missing.

The motivation for the crime then apparently might be retribution or paybacks to Derrick German for any of various things: a bad drug batch harming people who took it, the large amount of drugs gone missing, or owing money he could not pay back.

A Family Member Knows Who the Killer Is?

Oh and one more thing. This just in. A new rumor that a family member has known who the killer is for about a month now. As far as what he has done with this information, I have no idea.

Until next time!