Updated Front Habitat Map - Feedback Welcome

By Dyarnell @dyarnell


The latest iteration; there have been many since I last posted.... 

Ultimately I have removed everything full sun and will reconsider for phase 2. And whereas initially I was very much interested in trying many new plants, I am not okay including plants I already have in my yard, know will work and will create repetition, tying different parts of the property together. 
For example, I doubled down on Culver's Root, which I love and which was listed as threatened in 2001 under Manitoba's Endangered Species Act. I also added our native Bee Balm which will look smashing beside the purple cultivars of Culver's Root I have selected and be an absolute smorgasbord together for pollinators.
Please don't hesitate to provide feedback, I enjoy hearing from the gardening community.

Here is a key of the plants I have planned. Culver's Root, Creeping Dogwood & Joe Pye have been ordered.I'll need to order others soon to ensure I am not left empty handed!