[Updated] Best PBN Hosting Reviews 2017: CHEAPEST PBN HOSTING

Posted on the 06 May 2017 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Private Blog Network or PBN Hosting is considered as a very huge and heavy topic amongst SEOs today and is very much popular in the affiliate marketing. PBN Hosting is a network of websites that creates backlinks. The affiliate market works across all category of products, giving the customers their expert opinions and endorsements, categories ranging from books to electronics, from food to hosting.

Talking about blogging as a profession in online affiliate market, people use this platform so as to express their problems and get paid for that too.

There are many types of hosting options available and the point of question is that you need to choose the right one for yourself. Ay of the SEO who maintains a PBN is likely to judge more averagely a hosting web service than a webmaster. The only criteria to judge a web hosting service is its ability to minimize the risk of de-indexes period.

Why choose PBN hosting?

Every web master wants to increase the rank of their websites in SERP fast and quickly. There are several different ways to rank a site in SERP including link building, keyword research, competition analysis. One of the ways to rank a website in SERP or SEO is using PBNs.

The PBNs are not as simple as hosting one simple website, it is more than that and to create and maintain a PBN is a tough task at hand. An individual should come with a mindset of putting a good amount of money to the web host provider in the initial phase. It is very much essential to check and see if the PBN service provider is an authentic and genuine one or not.

To do this, one must go through all the PBN service providers first and then accordingly decide which one to choose who will be good enough for you and your money site.

So, it is very much required to do a good detailed research about all the PBN service providers and then go ahead with the best one according to your requirements.

The Best Cheap Private Blog Network ( PBN) Hosting Providers 2017: Updated

1) GoPBN

It is one of the best apps to build your own Private Blog Network and host it in very easy 3 steps: deploy, manage and grow your network with easy access. GoPBN provides a quick customer service element of power up hosting and the technical kit fixes all issues quickly. GoPBN is hosted by experts and was created by a group of hosting experts who have a wide knowledge in the fields of hardware, software and virtualization.

The intuitive control panel consists of easy to navigate but has very powerful systems for managing DNS, Hosting, Registrars. They provide optimal security and mainly focuses on growing up the business.

With GoPBN you can grow your PBN from 10 to 1000 blogs using just a click of a button, and you can also deploy them all in different locations with different IP addresses. They also provide a very beautiful and user friendly user interface, which saves you hours on time and management and money on the management.

To get more details about this hosting service, you can check their website.

2) Easy Blog Networks

Easy Blog Networks is the best PBN solution when we are talking about PBNs. It is a platform that deploys other different kind of blogs to different kinds of hosting providers and it also does the amazing functioning of automating the maintenance.

These include some of the very popular hosting providers like Amazon, Digital Ocean, Rackspace, softlayer (an IBM company) and many more, with a cost price of $35 per month for 10 different blogs which is quite pocket friendly to everyone.

It depicts the advantages such as quick and easy installation of WordPress; automatic updating of themes, plugins and WordPress; periodic checks for the indexation; easy and quick HTTPS support and the biggest advantage of transparency, i.e. everything is visible to you such as the IP addresses, the details of the hosting providers, etc.

You can build a blog network using Easy Blog Network in less than 30 minutes and you have to manage everything on complete autopilot mode.

3) PBN.Hosting

The PBN Hosting is one of the best PBN hosting solution and uses CDN to host your websites. With the help of CDN, your websites are run faster than usual and you are using static HTML pages instead of WordPress, which are fast in speed. One of the key feature of using PBN Hosting is the feature of unlimited IP addresses they provide. Their smallest plan costs around just $59 per month for 20 different domains.

The advantages of using a PBN Hosting is that it is imported easily and quickly; we can instantly launch the blogs; it uses CDN to boost the speed of the site; easy monitoring of the sites from single dashboard and the calculation of uptime and Google index counts time by time so as to avoid de indexation of the site.

PBN hosting helps you save time and money on growing and maintaining your link networks and provides you with unlimited diversity of more than 350,000 IP addresses and rising. You do not need any MySQL or no hacked sites or flaky hosts and they hosts you sites on some of the internet's best infrastructure.

The tools that they provide saves you hours of tweaking on your blogs. Everything from authors to themes, permalink structures, everything is generated at random for your service.

They also provide additional features like free way back imports, instant blog launching, hacker proof pure HTML, simple content management, network health monitoring and many more.

Pricing :

Bad neighbourhood

How do we determine that we have a bad neighbour when talking in context of hosting a PBN? A bad neighbourhood basically refers to having PBNs, thin- content sites or any site that violates or disrupts the webmaster guidelines that too on the same IP address. If you are having a bad neighbourhood, then there are a very percentile chances of your site experiencing de indexing problem.

The following are the steps to determine whether your neighbourhood is a bad neighbourhood or not:

  1. Perform a reverse IP lookup procedure and then download the list of sites on the IP address in consideration.
  2. Run scrape box to determine to know how many times your site has been de indexed previously.
  3. Manually try to check and compare the sample set of the websites to determine approximately how many Private Blog Networks (PBNs) are there in your network.

Some of the most popular hosting solutions are listed below in the article. Keep on reading to know the exact details of each one of them.

Cheap Hosts - usually costing you $1 to $3 per month

The price of Cheap hosting and the choice given to you to pick up a different company for each of your PBN solution, makes it a widely adopted and easily available solution all over the world. They are always structured as a shared hosting solution on the same IP addresses.

SEO Hosting

SEO hosting does not solve the problem of bad neighbourhood up to that extend, but the fact is it is almost guaranteed that you are going to be hosted next to a web spam. The objective of SEO hosting is to make it easy to host a huge amount of domain names under one account only. This is a very important feature that is essential in PBN operators because having multiple domain names for the same IP address is an obvious footprint when linking to the same money site.

Hosting on Virtual Private Sector

Virtual Private Dedicated Server (VPS) when used in combination with IP addresses cloaking techniques such as the use of CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) and an IP address provider such as RocketIP work wonders for you.

Dedicated (VPS) Hosting networks

If you are having a bad neighbourhood which is impossible to avoid, then you should use dedicated (shared servers for your domains. A reasonable solution is to have dedicated servers and thus dedicated IP addresses for each domain for your most high powered and valuable PBN websites. But this is not a practical solution for large networks, but for a smaller network it works fine.

Some key points to remember

On deciding the hosting service to use, you need to then decide how to assign domains amongst those hosts. The following are some key features or points that an individual should remember when selecting how to assign domains between the hosting service:

  • If you are owning a large network, then it is very important for you to get good resellers and you should use multiple hosts and multiple hosting accounts. If you want a different shared IP address for each domain to avoid footprints, then you should go for it when linking your site to money.
  • Just remember to avoid who the footprints are actually.
  • So, if you are linking to one money site from 100% Go Daddy hosted sites, then it is very much certain that you get a footprint. Then you should surely mimic the distribution of the hosts on the Internet.

Some drawbacks of using PBN Hosting

Google actually hates if you are using PBN to boost the rank of your website and also penalty is applied to such website. Some of the drawbacks of using a PBN with inappropriate usage yields to penalties.

  1. It sometimes increases the maintenance cost.
  2. Handling of PBN is a very complex process and understanding it is tough.
  3. PBN requires a lot of time and experience.
  4. It is risky to use PBN for short term results.

Over To You : Which Is Best PBN Hosting Solution 2017?

Hope you like this best PBN hosting reviews 2017 posts and I am really glad that I have listed those PBN hosting solution which I have personally used and recommending to you guys. GOPBN, EasyBlogNetworks & PBN.Hosting are my NO.1 recommendations for PBN hosting. Which is your favorite PBN hosting providers please share below 🙂