Online learning is all we could think about. We know that you do too. Hence we made an addon for the Reign Theme. And guess which LMS plugin is gonna power your eLearning website?
This addon brings the power and visual design of the Reign theme and combines it with the Tutor LMS plugin. Giving you an eye-catchy design with a feature-rich LMS solution. Whether you are looking to offer your course online or to build a marketplace for other instructors to sell their courses. Our theme charged with Tutor LMS will get it done.
Reign Theme has cross-browser compatibility, responsive page layout, unlimited custom color options, beautiful header layouts, speed optimization and so much more. Our plugin has all this and more.
Reign TutorLMS Features
1. Registration Page
The Instructor & Student Registration page is laid out in a simple yet eloquent fashion. The registration page can accommodate more entry fields if you require. While the pre-set form is also easily customizable.
The details required are mentioned clearly and the site admin can decide which fields are necessary for registration for both the instructor and the student alike.
2. Course Listing
The color-rich course listing page gives you the option to sort and search for the course of your choice. Each course is displayed in a card layout. The course card displays all the necessary details about the course. These details include- the name of the course, duration of the course, instructor name, course tags, course difficulty level, price of the course, and a button to bookmark the course.
The viewer also has the ability to sort the courses based on the release date and alphabetical order, in both ascending and descending order.
If this webpage doesn’t appeal to your viewers, we guarantee you. Nothing will!
3. Course Layout
The instructor and site admin gets to control the content of this page. While the pre-set layout gives you options to list details about the course, course description, what you learn from the course, course topics or modules, instructor details, student feedback, study material offered with the course, prerequisites before starting the course, and the intended people whom this course is meant for.
Even if the page gets text-heavy with the course details. It will still remain easy on the eye of your prospective students, Thanks to its layout.
4. Dashboard
This is the progress monitor page for both the instructor and the student. The Dashboard will give you brief details about the courses, the number of students enrolled, revenue generated, and course competition rate for easy analysis by the instructor.
Whereas the student gets an overview of how many courses has he enrolled for, his progress report, and course completed from the dashboard. Both these pages consist of various tabs like profile, reviews, etc.
To Conclude
We at Wbcom Design are working tirelessly hard to make sure that we stay true to what we set out to achieve with The Reign Theme which is to provide One Solution for All your Business Needs. Regardless of what the business is about or which stage it is on. We are still working on improvements, so feel free to contact us with any suggestion or feature which you would like to see next on Reign.
If you are looking to add note taking feature check out Tutor LMS Notes.