Mueller’s criminal investigation into Trump is proceeding along three broad fronts:
- Investigating Trump for ties to Russian organized crime, especially money laundering (via real estate and casinos) and other illegalities tied to his business dealings with Russian ‘shadow’ banks and criminal oligarchs.
- The second front is the Trump campaigns and their collusion and coordination with Putin/Russian Government during the 2016 election.
- The third front is Trump’s crimes as president especially obstruction of justice.
There is a high degree of confidence that Trump has committed impeachable offenses on all three fronts.
2 in paticular goes a lot deeper than that. The allegation is that the Russians hacked into voter rolls in many states and then gave that information to Trump and Trump used it for targeted advertising. It’s not certain whether this is illegal or not, but it seems to be impeachable.
3 Trump is surely guilty of obstruction of justice. He’s far more guilty of this than Nixon was. And he keeps hanging himself more and more every day
1 is really the kicker. There is some excellent evidence for this one. We have names of the people involved and the corporations they set up to do this. Jared Kushner was up to his neck in this crap too.
PS Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Jeff Sessions, Mike Flynn and Mr. Manacourt are all under investigation. There are also rumors that Paul Ryan himself is under investigation. This mess is absolutely huge and it threatens to take down much of the Republican Party itself. This party has been wicked for a long time now, but now they are as corrupt as a Third World banana republic kleptocracy like we see in shitholes like Latin America, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Thailand, Indonesia, the Stans, the Philippines, many African nations, Turkey and other failed and collapsed states.
At one point the GOP stood for something halfway noble. That ended when Reagan came in and turned it into the party of the UltraRight. Eisenhower, Nixon and Ford would not recognize today’s Republican Party. It’s like the Goldwaterites resurrected from the Dead and went zombie for three and half decades of living dead horror as conservatives roamed the nation, massacring its best and brightest while cannibalizing their brains. It’s a Republican Zombie Horrorshow!