Update: End of February

By Scarecrow

Recent rain and more to come has meant the end to production for the Zucchinis...these four plants have been very productive this year! The powdery mildew has hit but they are ready to go as they have had a long season this year.
Lowest Min 11.8C
Highest Max 35.6C
36mm Rain
We had two rain events in one week! One thunderstorm that dropped 18mm overnight and a day of steady drizzle that resulted in another 18mm. This will be much appreciated in the coming weeks as beds are cleared in readiness for Autumn seedling planting.

Potting on:

Lettuce Gloria seedlings
Divided & Potted up:
Sorrel French Rumex scutatus from a pot purchased locally
Sorrel Garden Rumex acetosa from a clump in the garden Strawberry runners from Bed 23
Planted out:
Brussels Sprouts Ruby seedlings
Lettuce Gloria seedlings
Both of these were planted into Bed 12 in the Old Chook Run Garden