This year I am going for 'Best Established Beauty Blog' - which is rather bloody scary! The competition this year is absolutely insane, there are so many amazing blogs out there. I feel like I've came so far in just a year and would like to think that I've improved in so many ways - from my photography to the way that I write. I hope you'd think so too if you've been here for that long! I think it's a lot harder blogging in the North East where there aren't as many opportunities as there are down south! So if you enjoy reading little Thumbelina Lillie, I'd love for you to follow this link and vote for me in the Cosmo Blog Awards 2014!
If you do vote, then thank you! You really have made my year, to be shortlisted again would be an insane feeling and I don't think I would be able to contain myself. Thank you for reading Thumbelina Lillie, YOU have really changed my life.Check out my May Advertiser - GianniC